Wednesday, April 1, 2020

It’s Different Every Day

It is such a gift to be able to see the progress of spring every single day. At this time of year, every day brings something new. And here I am, forced at home, able to observe deeply, keenly, every detail every day. This is the time of year the garden is terrific - for a couple of months. But I really love the discoveries of minute observing. Here is some recent progress:
Steps to the street. No garden investment pays off
better than daffodils.
Grape hyacinth - planted 20 years ago. Also a good investment.
Broccoli and onions. First try for onions.
It’s purple tulip time! These are only 2 years old - not sure how long they will last.
Shadbush, also known as service berry. I went nuts planting this all over the property - twenty years ago.
This was two feet tall when I started.
The humble but lovely violets
Very special Virginia Bluebells. They disappear completely in the summer. They are moved around the yard by ants.
Not so special (because of the way they spread) Golden Groundsel.
I never planted this - so it’s 23+ years old!
Blueberries getting ready to bloom
More purple tulips

The ferns are generally later to emerge
The shadbush petals decorate the walk
I cut this grey dogwood down to nothing, and it’s sprouting well
Out of season Christmas cactus

Hibiscus that wintered indoors has had sporadic blooms -
This greeted me this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos, but my favorite is the first, showing the mix of plant, stone, and flower as you approach Chez Nan. Fingers crossed for your broc and onion, will be scouting for tips!
