Monday, June 5, 2017


First was may have been a baby Northern Brown Snake, hanging out in the corner stone wall. Then a baby turtle, for the third year in a row. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Fall/Spring Cleanup

Unusually, President's Day weekend in coinciding with a burst of unseasonably warm weather. (I have actually spent many PD weekends shoveling snow out of the boat.) I'm finally spending some time outside, and getting chores done (some of which should have been done last fall).
My 3 new raised beds

I've gotten all the raised beds cleaned up, filled up with new dirt, and ready to plant.  I actually planted lettuce and peas in one yesterday - it's a roll of the dice, but really low risk high reward.  I've planted some pansies and some parsley - again, the parsley is at risk because it's greenhouse grown, but I put little plastic hats on them.

The back raised bed had a complete covering of a mix of weeds. It was hard to turn over, and it still needs raking and smoothing and pulling out the remaining weeds.  My plan has been to turn it over, let most of the weeds die, then rake the dried dead weeds up, leaving more dirt behind.  I may then sow buckwheat to be a cover crop and perhaps out-compete the existing weeds.

My mix of weeds.

Things are advancing rapidly with the very warm (but disturbingly dry) weather.  I watched this daffodil go from a completely green bud to in bloom over 36 hours.

First daffodil of the year

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


 The first pale crocuses came out yesterday, along with unseasonable sun and warmth. I took a (flu-inspired) nap in the back yard yesterday in weather that was warmer outside than inside. I opened all the windows and ran the fans and got a complete change of wonderful clear air inside. Today has also been warm, but there is also a winter weather advisory - we might get a couple of inches of snow tonight!