Thursday, May 9, 2024

Roses and Iris and Peonies, Oh My!

Roses, and iris, and peonies, are blooming away. It's a particularly good year for them - somehow the combination of rain and temperature has hit a sweet spot. Most of my efforts for the past month have been focused on vegetables and annual flowers, but this year I also get to reap the bounty from past years' investment in perennials.

I keep meaning to write a post about all my vegetable efforts, but I'm too busy actually doing the gardening. There is "the law of the farm" which is that certain things have to happen at certain times, or else they will never happen at all. For example, seed starting at the right time, or watering something about to die from thirst. I miss some windows, but I'm trying to keep up.

So instead of a detailed account, here are pretty pictures. 

About 3 years ago, an acquaintance offered several irises from his thinning.
I made a little bed along the walk from the side of my house.

I have a penchant for red roses.
This is actually a rose bush and a peony,
almost the exact same color.
Just outside my kitchen door.

Another red rose, this one along the front wall of my house.

Another passalong iris, in the bed by the side walk.

This spot is too shady, and so it always falls over.
Along my street.

Yet another red rose, climbing this time.
At the front street corner

Siberian iris, from my mother's garden in Bellport.

I'm not sure this dark purple iris has bloomed before.
It's along the back of the house, about two years old.

This is the dreaded invasive multiflora rose.
It needs to come out, but it is on the steep slope
along the street and so will require bullet-proof clothing
and a balancing act to remove.


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Still Growing

 It’s been more than half a year, but I am here. In mid-December, I got a couple of my countertop units going. Now I have light and color in the middle of the bleakest month!