Saturday, March 30, 2019

Daffodil Season

Daffodils may be mundane, but they are one of the top choices I continually make- absolutely a great investment. I like the ones that actually look like daffs are supposed to look like, not exotic colors or shapes. They last and last, going on literally for decades. And deer and squirrels don't care for them. In one of my best inspirations ever, I gave 200 daffodil bulbs to some friends that got married and bought property in upstate NY. I made a trip to help plant them. I hear they are still going strong.

Other testaments to their longevity: there was some daff foliage in my back yard the year I got here (1997), in a shady, trampled spot. The yard changed - trees were removed, tramping patterns changed, and after about a decade they bloomed for the first time. That section of the yard had a very rough year last year, with home renovations and fence construction, so I see the foliage but I don't know if they will bloom.

Back in the utility section, these were here before I got here.
There are other daffs that predate my arrival, though, that are still going strong. And most (but not all) of the bulbs I've planted over the last 22 years are still going strong. Of the bulbs I planted last fall, most are not yet blooming, only just sticking their foliage up. (I read this is typical for the first year, and possibly not driven by the fact I only planted them very late, the week before my knee surgery in December.)

Not robust, but still going.

Curb appeal? I planted lots, and not all survive.
A new wall, a new curb, repairs to the wall,
and trampling all big stressors

Front walk

By the front door

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