Saturday, April 23, 2011

Weird Volatile Spring Weather

I don't want to complain about the rain. We really need it this time of year. But I am very keyed to the light, and dark days make me move slowly. I wish the rain would manage to all come at night, and the sun to emerge with a high pressure blue sky every day.

But what tremendous volatility we've had this week!  Wednesday was in the 80's. Yesterday didn't make it to 45 degrees. And Tuesday is supposed to be back in the 80's, or nearly so.  It feels like we've had a lot of rain overall, so I took the time to examine the facts.

So yes, we've had somewhat more rain than usual. But it's clear that the next month we need it to keep coming. It's really May and June that determine how it'll turn out for the growing season. Last year, the rains came in July and August, and that was too late for many of the herbaceous perennials and annuals - though it definitely provided relief to the trees.

It's still coming down here on Saturday morning, so no digging today. But tomorrow will be dryer and warmer, so I should line up what I want to get done.

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