Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cleaning Up the Slope

I got some work done today, almost by accident. I went out to putter for a few minutes, and ended up spending the better part of three hours on just one small corner of the yard. It's an area I haven't touched in at least two years, maybe more: the edge of my yard along the front street, where it touches my neighbor's yard.  This is one of the places I first planted, back in the last century. But across the property line, my neighbor has ivy, myrtle, japanese honeysuckle, forsythia, and other bad things. It has encroached, and I started down at the street and ripped and ripped.

I just leave the leaves on the slope, so there was a thick blanket of only partly rotted oak leaves, and the roots were not deep in the ground but rather buried in the leaves. I also trimmed back his dogwood, abelia, and forsythia, so there was space to walk up the stones set in the slope to be steps.  Under the leaves and between the vines I was ripping out were several good things. I hope I've given them all room to breathe.

I'll have to look for pictures of what it looked like when I started. I archived those pictures off this computer but they should be stashed on one or more of my backup disks.

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