Saturday, April 23, 2011


I got a new long lens for my good camera, and used it to isolate specific vignettes last weekend. Here's a clue about the state of a garden: if all you see are plant portraits and tightly cropped vignettes, there's a reason. Don't expect me to zoom out and show the wide angles any time soon - too much running amok throughout the garden.

Shagbark hickory leaves emerge like flower blossoms from buds.

Virginia bluebells really like my yard, especially in such a wet spring. Ants have carried these all over the front.
Celadine poppies
Spring beauties are spreading nicely. I got some seeds from down by the creek a few years ago.
White oak isn't as dramatic as the leaves unfurl, but it is bright red right now.
My two apple trees are incredibly laden with blossoms.
Yellow foliage to go with the yellow flowers in my yellow bed.

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