Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Nicest Day So Far

Today was the nicest day so far this year. It was sunny, not too windy, and probably just over 40 degrees. In my backyard sunspot, the thermometer got up above fifty. Certainly, the sunspot was not representative, but it was very pleasant.

I actually got some work done outdoors, the first time this year (not counting snow shoveling or cleaning off the car or taking out the garbage). I spent only an hour or so, along the front west edge, cleaning up and trimming. This is something I ought to have done in November, but clearly a case of better late than never.  The corner is still buried in snow, so no progress there.  In fact, I still have the Christmas lights out.

The tree limb remains on the roof. I decided to call the guys that had done the hazard pruning and see if they will cut me some slack on the cleanup.  I expect a call back tomorrow.

There were signs of spring - the daffs have stuck their necks out. The heather is blooming. I do love DC - the winters are so very much shorter than Chicago.

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