Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tired and Feeling Good

I got most of a day in the yard today, and what a treat it was.  Sunny and relatively warm - though I kept some fleece on the whole day. I got the japanese honeysuckle off the mock orange along the back fence and cut up and put out in bags. I raked the grass inside the dog's yard, and put most of the leaves and brown grass into the compost heap. I would like to overseed the dog's yard now - that worked really well last year because of the March and April rains. I peered into the greenhouse, and to my surprise it does seem the bayleaf plant is doing fine - I watered it thoroughly. I left elephant ears and cannas in the back and in the greenhouse all winter - never got them into the basement - I can't tell if they will come through or not.  I had a lot of clutter right out the back kitchen door - boxes and coolers and pots of dead plants - and I got that whole area cleaned up. No clutter by the door is supposed to be good feng shiu and indeed my spirit is lifted up by the free movement and space. I moved the Vespa into the dog's yard for now. I raked out the bed along the back of the house and found daffs doing well and the mums up and sprouting already.  There is grass in that bed - it needs better tending, but I was only going for easy stuff. I chopped off the butterfly bushes but ran out of time and didn't get that all bagged or bundled.

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